In full growth

Summer time means thinning out the fruits and protecting them from hail.

Less is more: Thinning out by hand

If an apple tree bears many fruits, it is not necessarily a reason for joy for the apple producer because too many apples do harm to the trees. In order to produce large Ambrosia™ apples with an intense taste, the apple tree needs a lot of energy. If too many apples hang on the branches, the tree is no longer able to provide all of them with enough nutrients.

Then thinning out by hand becomes necessary. The apple producer thus removes all small and excessive fruits by hand to allow the larger apples to grow better. This process of thinning out by hand increases the apples’ quality because we only want to harvest the best Ambrosia™ apples after all. Moreover, the apple producers bring their trees into shape in early summer. The young branches of the trees are bound down to optimize the tree’s growth and form.


Hail protection is a must

The apple producers have already cared about their apple trees for months. The honey-sweet Ambrosia™ apples can be harvested in a few weeks but the harvest is nowhere near guaranteed. Freak weather such as thunderstorms with heavy hail constitutes a threat to the whole harvest and can destroy the work of a whole year within a few minutes.

The hailstones damage the shining yellow-red peel and the juicy-crunchy flesh of Ambrosia™ apples affecting both their quality and their appearance and reducing their storability. This is why hail protection nets protect the apple orchards in particularly exposed areas with frequent hailstorms to allow Ambrosia™ apples to ripen in the best quality and to fully develop their honey-sweet taste.